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Conference recap: a knowledge sharing event between 4 companies

Sophie Osborne
April 1, 2022

On Friday 25th March, Extra Horizon co-hosted a mini-conference at the Corda Campus in Hasselt, Belgium. As well as Extra Horizon, three other software development companies were present; Prato HR, Kunlabora, and Hootsuite. This conference was an opportunity for the companies to share technical and software-related knowledge, as well as gain fresh insights from one another.

Four engaging and interesting presentations took place, led by both Extra Horizon and the attending companies. 

Read a brief summary of the presentations below:

1. Challenges when developing Software as a Medical Device. Kobe Leysen, Chief Technical Officer at Extra Horizon

Developing software as a medical device comes with many challenges, with the ultimate aim being to deploy your product to market in good time and with confidence. However, human lives can be at risk when developing medical device software. For this reason, you must pay close attention to complying to regulations, implementing a quality management system, and performing clinical studies of your product. This can make it harder to get your product, and any new features, onto the market.

Kobe Leysen explained how developing medical software differs hugely from traditional software development, using our customer FibriCheck as a case study.

Conference Challenges Software as a Medical Device SaMD

2. Segregating customer infrastructure in medical backends. Christopher Hex, Product Owner at Extra Horizon

As Extra Horizon provides a backend for medical applications, keeping customer data separate is a top priority. This is why we deploy dedicated backend environments for each customer. Christopher Hex explained how we leverage AWS Organisations and Terraform, in order to properly segregate customer information in a maintainable way. 

Extra Horizon Cloud Backend AWS Terraform Customer Infrastructure

3. Serverless, Kunlabora.

Kunlabora, a Leuven-based software development company, gave a presentation about the benefits of serveless technology, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), for their applications. 

With Kunlabora having applied serverless technologies to their projects for many years already, they explained how to use the serverless framework to build successful applications, useful techniques to solve integration use cases, and how AWS can be used as an alternative to the serverless framework.

Kunlabora Serverless Technology AWS

4. Microservices from the trenches, Prato HR

Prato HR, a developer and supplier of HR software and services, talked about their microservices architecture. This architecture forms the basis of their payroll engine, which was developed over 4 years ago. 

In this session, we found out why Prato HR chose microservice architecture, the advantages and disadvantages of this choice, how they organised their teams, and the organisational and architectural lessons learned in the process.

Prato HR Microservices Architecture

5. GraphQL, Hootsuite.

Hootsuite, a social media management tool, explained what GraphQL is and how you can implement GraphQL into your API, as well as the common pitfalls of GraphQL. Using themselves as a case study, Hootsuite explained how GraphQL aggregates data from their microservices before displaying it in their web application. 

Hootsuite GraphQL API

We are very pleased that our first internal mini conference was such a success! We are really looking forward to continuing to share our expertise with other companies, whilst also receiving theirs in return. 


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